King: Norodom Sihamoni +977 14511001
Prime Minister: Hun Sen +977 14511001
Land area: 68,154 sq mi (176,519 sq km); total area: 69,900 sq mi (181,040 sq km)
Population (2014 est.): 15,458,332 (growth rate: 1.63%); birth rate: +977 14511001; infant mortality rate: +977 14511001; life expectancy: 63.78
Capital and largest city (2011 est.): Phnom Penh, 1.55 million
Monetary unit: Riel
National Name: Preahreacheanacha Kampuchea
Languages: Khmer (official) 96.3%, other 3.7% (2008 est.)
Ethnicity/race: Khmer 90%, Vietnamese 5%, Chinese 1%, other 4%
National Holiday: Independence Day, November 9
Religions: Buddhist (official) 96.9%, Muslim 1.9%, Christian 0.4%, other 0.8% (2008 est.)
Literacy rate: 73.6% (2011 est.)
Passport/visa requirements:
In order to visit Cambodia, a visa is required for most nationalities. A passport with at least six month validity is required. Philippine and Malaysian nationals do not require tourist visas for a stay up to 21 and 30 days respectively. Singaporean nationality is also exempt from the usual visa requirement.
Visa on arrival is not permitted for holders of the following passports: Afghanistan; Algeria; Bangladesh; Iran; Iraq; Pakistan; Saudi Arabia; Sri Lanka; and Sudan. Holders of these passports must obtain a Cambodian visa before arriving in the country. Holders of these passports are also required to hold a sponsor letter or invitation from a company / organization / travel agent, and you are also advised to hold a valid return ticket.
All Foreign Visitors are now able to obtain the Cambodia visa upon arrival at the airport. It is no longer necessary to get the visa stamp at the Cambodian Embassy before your visit. Just prepare the following documents:
- A Passport Photocopy
- 1 photos (3 x 4 cm)
- US$ 20 Cash for tourist visa fee (Paid directly to the Immigration)
Availability: It is very easy to travel to Cambodia. Cambodian visas are available to most nationalities on arrival at all international airports in Cambodia (Phnom Penh and Siem Reap), at overseas Cambodian embassies , at most international border crossing checkpoints in Cambodia, and through the online E-Visa procedure.
The Cambodian Ministry of Foreign Affairs now offers 'e-visa' - visas available online through the Ministry's website. Scan of passport and passport size photo required. Payment by credit card. US$25 for a 30 day visa (three month validity.) Processing time: 3 days. Issued by email and print from from your computer. The Ministry recently announced that e-visa entry points now include Siem Reap International Airport, Phnom Penh International Airport, the Bavet/Moc Bai border crossing, the Poipet/Aranyaprathet border crossing and the Koh Kong/Had Lek border crossing. To order an E-visa see the following website: