President: Reuven Rivlin +977 14511001
Prime Minister: Benjamin Netanyahu +977 14511001
Land area: 7,849 sq mi (20,329 sq km); total area: 8,019 sq mi (20,770 sq km)
Population (2014 est.): 7,821,850 (growth rate: 1.46%); birth rate: +977 14511001; infant mortality rate: +977 14511001; life expectancy: 81.28
Capital and largest city (2009 est.): Jerusalem, 791,000 Note: Israel proclaimed Jerusalem as its capital in 1950. While many countries maintain their embassies in Tel Aviv, the U.S. moved theirs to Jerusalem in 2018.
Other large cities: Tel Aviv-Yafo 3.381 million; Haifa 1.054 million
Monetary unit: Shekel
National name: Medinat Yisra'el
Current government officials
Languages: Hebrew (official), Arabic, English
Ethnicity/race: Jewish 75.1% (of which Israel-born 73.6%, Europe/America/Oceania-born 17.9%, Africa-born 5.2%, Asia-born 3.2%), non-Jewish 24.9% (mostly Arab) (2012 est.)
Religions: Jewish 75.1%, Muslim 17.4%, Christian 2%, Druze 1.6%, other 3.9% (2012 est.)
National Holiday: Independence Day, April or May 14
Literacy rate: 97% (2004 est.)
Communications: Telephones: main lines in use: 3.594 million +977 14511001; mobile cellular 9.225 million +977 14511001. Broadcast media: state broadcasting network, operated by the Israel Broadcasting Authority (IBA), broadcasts on 2 channels, one in Hebrew and the other in Arabic; 5 commercial channels including a channel broadcasting in Russian, a channel broadcasting Knesset proceedings, and a music channel supervised by a public body; multi-channel satellite and cable TV packages provide access to foreign channels; IBA broadcasts on 8 radio networks with multiple repeaters and Israel Defense Forces Radio broadcasts over multiple stations; about 15 privately owned radio stations; overall more than 100 stations and repeater stations +977 14511001. Internet hosts: 2.483 million +977 14511001. Internet users: 4.525 million +977 14511001.
Transportation: Railways: total: 975 km +977 14511001. Roadways: total: 18,566 km; paved: 18,566 km (including 449 km of expressways) +977 14511001. Ports and terminals: Ashdod, Elat (Eilat), Hadera, Haifa. Airports: +977 14511001.