8 days
Shirubari Village is located in Syanja, southwest of Pokhara city. The village is at 1,700 m from the sea level. Most of the houses in the village are slate roofed stone and are mostly builded from the local materials and are well comfortable. The village has developed community based home stay to facilitate tourists. Tourists stay as a part of family in their house and witness their daily life closely. Rooms and foods will be simple but clean and hygienic. The awesome impression of the village is one of the odder and classiness but with a warm feeling. Foot trails though the village is all stone tiled. For recognizing efforts to preserve the culture and heritage of Nepalese life, Sirubari was awarded PATA Gold in May 2001. Sirubari is successful example of sustainable tourism. The supplementary income from tourism helped preserve their tradition and culture.
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Trishakti Marg, Uttar Dhoka Rd., Lazimpat, Kathmandu, Nepal
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